Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fuck You, America!

Dear America,
Fuck you! Fucking fuck you!

I love the land mass, and it's place on the map. I love, for the most part, the weather.

The people? Ehh, give or take.

Beyond that stuff, I am, for the most part, glad to have been born here.

But, having said that...

You, America, can go fuck yourself until you're red/white/blue in the face, as I am nearing the point where I am done with you.


Your priorities are totally fucked up. You cannot feed/clothe/medically look after your most vulnerable; but, somehow, those rich shits who live on the hill seem to be in line for perpetual protection.

STARVE THE POOR, BUT FEED THE RICH might as well be pressed onto our coins, as it seems to be the new American Way.

And now we have, yet again, another mass shooting.

This is where I would normally launch into an all-out assault (minus those legally protected gun rights so vital to 1775 only those powered and monied idiots still cling to) on the facts, horror and overall tragedy that befell us all in Newtown, Ct. this week...

But, why? And to what effect?


Who fucking cares anymore on these shores if some gun-toting imbecile expresses his Constitutionally protected right to wail away on a school full of kids just learning to use their ABC's; because, that 2nd Amendment is there in case the government goes all crazy on us and tries to kill us in our own homes, right?

So, if a few (dozen) kids and teachers get mowed down by some fuckwit who stole Mom's legally owned assault rifle, and just happened to go all 2nd Amendment on her by shooting her in the face with it; before blowing the heads off toddlers and their teachers-- well, that's the price of freedom, ain't it?!

At what point does this all reach some sort of critical mass? At what point do we elevate from stupid penny-ante bloggers like me screaming into a vacuumed void and evolve into a bloc of people who have just fucking had it with living in a society that is both technologically advanced, yet somehow still governed by a most ruinous medieval mindset that is pushed along by the gun lobby and it's seemingly bottomless pockets?!

Can any of you gun fucks say Europe isn't onto something far more fitting for our modern world? Sure, them holding onto their foreskins is totally weird and icky; but, they've nailed the bigger issue here, so the foreskins ain't so bad in the long term.

But still, you, America; you just won't back down, will you? I understand that it's all part of the stance; the pose-- but, at what point does the clinging to the outmoded ways stall us all from moving forward? At what point do 'our' powers that be begin to recognize that the Earth, and those who populate it, are evolving well beyond our Stone Age contempt toward change?

For all his gun-totin' machismo in the movies, John Wayne died of a pedestrian case of stomach cancer. This week, 20 children and 6 teachers died from the real gunfire John Wayne NEVER faced in his movies.

Yet, he's on stamps for his portrayal of bravery-- if you consider ducking dummy bullets between lunches in air conditioned trailers to be "bravery".

Me? I consider the acts of those teachers who tried to shield their kids from REAL gunfire to be the real definitions of bravery.

America, you've let us all down today.

Chris Checkman


zoli said...

dude, there's nothing icky about foreskins. you need to talk to those who are lucky enough to still have them.

zoli said...

dude, there's nothing icky about foreskins. you need to talk to those who are lucky enough to still have them.

zoli said...

dude, there's nothing icky about foreskins. you need to talk to those who are lucky enough to still have them.

osapbender said...

'Fuck you, america,' I totally agree. I left it long ago and am shocked and ashamed at what I see on the news. The times I visit are equally appalling, with the hatefilled billboards against anything progressive. Then there's the constant talk about god and prayer.
America is a third world country with nuclear weapons.

Kratoklastes said...

I have looked in your archive, but failed to locate a similarly-outraged post on your blog about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of little brown innocents, turned into piles of red mush by the very government to which you're so keen to cede OTHERS' rights.

The death of the young children at Sandy Hook is a terrible tragedy perpetrated (as far as we are aware) by an individual with something wrong in their brain.

The deaths of the THOUSANDS of young children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and so forth are likewise terrible tragedies - perpetrates by people who are - to all intents and purposes - clear-eyed and brazenly indifferent to the fact that they routinely slaughter other people's children.

"They hate us for our freedoms" - no, they hate your government for it's depraved butchery of civilians.

And once your government succeeds in taking weapons off its livestock, you will find out just how fast a police state can ratchet up... get used to having your ID demanded by some fucktard with an overlord complex who didn't finish high school.

Unknown said...

I agree with most of everything you say, except the part about foreskins. As a foreskinned European I can only say that you don't know what you are missing. It's common sense that mutilating your own body is a bad idea. It's hard to fathom that with 21st century medicine and all people still believe circumcision has any benefits, it's rather the opposite.

CookLook said...

I luuurves me the foreskins! My hubby is a Brit, and hasn't been butchered. Back on the article! We are a country chock full of gun-worshipping crazies, and we need to get the hell out of the middle east and stop wiping out their denizens.

CookLook said...

I luuurves me the foreskins! My hubby is a Brit, and hasn't been butchered. Back on the article! We are a country chock full of gun-worshipping crazies, and we need to get the hell out of the middle east and stop wiping out their denizens.

Amurkan said...

Agreed with you except for the foreskin. Amongst 4 older gent friends, ALL of them were enticed to have their willies clipped in their 20's and 30's. All of them swear that sexual pleasure was reduced at least by 50% to 80%. Maybe it's because the Amerloquian willies don't give enough pleasure that they shoot the hell out of anything or anyone that moves anywhere in the world.

hadley said...

When you finally decide to leave America, please let us know. Maybe we can help you find a better sort of people to live with. Not Canada, surely, since they have more guns per capita than America. Not Switzerland, since they too have assault rifles in every household. Possibly Mexico, except they are drenched with guns, shoot up everything, chop heads off, and string people up from bridges. In groups of 3-10 from bridges. I thought about South Africa which has done a pretty good job of disarming white folks of the rural gun-toting variety, but their murder rate (230+ per 100k) now that they are disarmed is higher than any country in the world. I guess you could stick to cities, I suppose. You would have a much greater risk of bring killed, of course, but you would have the moral satisfaction of knowing you we're dead because of a spear, sword, knife, club or boot.