Hello Folks,
I have not posted here much in the past year, as sometimes I tend to forget all the sites I am signed onto, so forgive what might seem like a newbie just busting in for the sake of mere flash. This is not the case.
I'm just really the shit worst at keeping records (taxes, pin numbers, passwords/screen names for various sites), which leads to-- from time to time-- me dropping out of sight on sites I really like; though, like now, I eventually always return...
Oh joy, right?
Anyway, I was about to drift off to sleep, as it is now 7am here in California, when I saw on the local dimwitted early morning coffee/headlines news program the grim report that yet another unfortunate freeway driver has died from this recent rash of freeway shootings we have had here in southern California. Everyone again, said all the allegedly right things: the field reporter, the authorities, the grieving family of this poor bastard whose head was blown off, etc., etc.-- but, nobody had the guts to say the ONE overriding truth:
We, as human beings, private citizens, etc. are not, as a species as yet emotionally equipped to own our own guns.
In other words, it is time the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution be forever struck down!
This needs to happen, and happen now! Anyone still holding on to the 2nd amendment is nothing more than a dimwitted idiot; as, said amendment was written over 200 years ago when "America" was an entirely different place-- and a place it has not been since then! Hey, Red-Staters, remember the America back then? It was a place 'we' had no right in stealing or co-opting, as it was already inhabited by those who had been here for over a thousand years, right!?
And, all 'we' did was rape and murder and pillage and plunder from these very people who considered this place to be their own-- literally, not just in essence, stealing their land and lives from them, due to 'our' arrogance, using 'our' guns....
Kinda funny, isn't it, how 'we' steal (through murder, rape, pillaging and other forms of destruction) a land from those who were here 1,000 years before 'us'-- yet, 'we' get all shaken and violent when 9/11 is foisted upon us, a mere 200 years after 'we' enacted our own 9/11 on the people who were here way before we were.
But, I can hear some of you already saying the following : "fuck 'em, they was Indians and Mexicans, blah blah blah!!!!", as though Indians and Mexicans are somehow beneath you hillbillies, or anyone, for that matter....
Fuck you Second Amendment types; fuck you racist Red State apologist 2nd Amendment assholes. It is YOUR shortsightedness that has led to the modern gun culture which now sees people on the freeway systems here in Southern California just deciding to whip out their guns, for no reason whatsoever, and blow some poor fuk into the Hereafter.
Just because. A guy driving to his Mom's house-- blown away! Another guy driving to work-- blown away! More people, of other persuasions, doing other innocent things-- just...blown...away....
By your precious guns-- the guns you assholes fight so bitterly to protect; while totally ignoring such REAL concerns like social security, prescription medicine, the homeless, etc.; because you are nothing more than idiots, who only care to protect your "God"-given alpha male "right" to swagger about with a sidearm on your hip, and enact justice as you see fit. But, in so doing, remember always, that anyone (even you) who is carrying a gun, is always prone to doing something horrific in the flash of a second.
And, as longas this is so, it is people like you, the NRA, and all other braindead gun nuts who must be beaten back, and relieved of their weapons via a quick and sweeping voiding of the Second Amendment-- for the good of all American society!
Period. There is no wiggle room here. Hey if you wanna own a rifle for purposes of hunting well, while I think it barbaric, fine; but, handguns carried on your person, in your car, etc......
Uh, no. If Sweden and England have taught us anything, beyond the fact that said countries knew their shit when incubating modern porn as we know it and the Beatles-- the greatest band there ever will be; well, they also knew/know their shit when it comes to figuring out that human beings with firearms will only kill other human beings. Do not give me this "guns don't kill; people kill" bullshit PR routine, as I will only laugh in your face-- even if such reaction causes you, as a rational gun owner, to rationally conclude that it is well within your "God"-given ("God"-- what the fuck does such an abstract concept have to do with anything?; especially when not nearly all of us are so fear-driven as to buy into such a superstition?!) to blow my head clean off, as I believe you are probably just stupid enough to try it...
Though an agnostic, I have nothing against anyone who believes whatever they will-- with one exception: If your God is the now almost officially-acception perversion proffered by the Red-Staters: A raging hate-mongering twisting of the Bible suited toward your own needs, then I ask that you, in my name, fuck your "God" in the ass with a burning flag, and then shove the barrel of your beloved Smith and Wesson down your useless throats, pull the trigger, and then see that there is, after death....
POOF! Nothing.
Any idiot that says "guns don't kill; people kill" has, pretty obviously, not driven the local freeways as of late. Since March 12, there have been a number of fatal and near fatal gun shootings here in Southern California; but, unless I've missed the reports, there has not been one report of someone fatally lobbing another person into another driver's car.
Get what I'm saying, Cletus?
A gun, lying on a counter, cannot kill; just as a person, lying on a bed, cannot kill. However, a person who has access to a gun, can kill. Which is where it needs to stop.
Here and now.
After all, I've never once heard of a drunken, pissed off gun picking up a person in the interest of going out and looking for trouble....
Have I?
No; and neither have you...
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